
Crime TV Series

In Development

Key Creatives

Fraser Brown, Leela Menon, Tainui Stephens

Jess Sayer

Jess Sayer - (Lead Writer)
Fraser Brown - (Producer)
Leela Menon - (Producer)
Tainui Stephens - (Producer)
Pip Hall - (Writer)
Sam Shore - (Writer)
Peter Burger - (Lead Director)

With a female led creative team and a female protagonist, UNREST delivers an unpredictable twist on the detective genre.

The life of a British/Māori archaeologist is turned upside down, when she discovers the bones from a New Zealand dig site are not ancient Maori burials, but the result of something much more sinister. The series explores Maori spirituality and the power of tapping into the ancient knowledge of our indigenous roots.

If you want to know more, you can contact us

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